2016 Harvard Lab for Developmental Studies Summer Internships In USA

Harvard University, Harvard Lab for Developmental Studies offers annual summer internship for undergraduates or students within 1 year of their graduation. $1500 funding is available for all interns, but interns pay for their own housing. Interns are paired with a graduate-level researcher, based on the intern’s interests, and work on the mentor’s research project(s). Internship application deadline is March 1st, 2016. For international students, the deadline is January 1, 2016.

This Internship is for Undergraduates, or students within 1 year of their graduation, who have: interest in research of language and/or cognitive development, basic computer skills, experience with research methods (especially in psychology or linguistics), confidence in interacting with families (especially in a professional setting), and excellent problem-solving and teamwork skills.

Field of Internship: Interns gain an in-depth experience in designing, conducting, and/or analyzing a study. Interns: schedule participants, collect data from children and/or adults, transcribe/code data, conduct literature searches, prepare study stimuli etc

Is this paid internship? Yes, $1500 funding is available for all interns, but interns pay for their own housing. It is recommend subletting, staying in a co-op, or staying with a relative. First, look for funding from your home university. If you are accepted to our program, we will write a letter of support for outside funding. If you do not find funding, we still provide $1500 (paid $150/week). If you find funding less than $1500, we will provide a stipend so you reach $1500 (e.g., if your home University gives you $500, we provide $1000).

Internship Description: Harvard Lab for Developmental Studies hosts an annual summer internship, supervised by Dr. Susan Carey and Dr. Jesse Snedeker. Interns gain in-depth research experience. You can learn about Dr. Carey and Dr. Snedeker’s current research by reading website; focusing on publications from our lab members.

How to Apply:
Complete the application here. (If you have trouble loading, please refresh the page and/or try copying and pasting the URLhttp://form.jotform.com/form/13241716183 to a different browser.)
- They Need the following in .PDF format.
-A cover letter
-A resume/CV
-Transcripts (We do not need official/sealed transcripts!)
-2 letters of recommendation, sent directly from your references to our internship email account: HarvardLDSinternship-at-gmail.com.

Read more: Harvard Lab for Developmental Studies Summer Internships

2016 Harvard Lab for Developmental Studies Summer Internships In USA 2016 Harvard Lab for Developmental Studies Summer Internships In USA Reviewed by Unknown on 03:01:00 Rating: 5

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