Campaign 2015: PhD positions

The list of subjects, which may exceed the number of vacant positions, will be updated regularly.

Candidates must apply on this website by using the button situated at the bottom of page "apply online", after the offer of thesis.

Number of offers, which match your criteria: 20
TitlePosition typeLocationResearch themeProject
Doctorant (H/F) : Contrôle optimal et robuste des véhicules hybrides rechargeablesPhD StudentPalaiseauApplied Mathematics, computation and simulationCOMMANDS
PhD Grant by Inria : alpha-stable processes for signal processingPhD StudentNancyApplied Mathematics, computation and simulationMULTISPEECH
SUMO - Verification of Large Scale Stochastic Systems, Application to Diagnosis and OpacityPhD StudentRennesAlgorithmics, programmation, software and architectureSUMO
DIVERSE - Hampering massive attack reuse through automatic synthesis of artificial software diversityPhD StudentRennesNetworks, systems and services, distributed computingDIVERSE
DIVERSE - Maintaining Quality of Service Properties at Runtime through models@runtimePhD StudentRennesNetworks, systems and services, distributed computingDIVERSE
GENSCALE - Nouvelles méthodologies pour l'assemblage de données de séquençage polymorphesPhD StudentRennesDigital health, biology and earthGENSCALE
CIDRE - Contrôle fonctionnel de flux de données large échelle distribuésPhD StudentRennesNetworks, systems and services, distributed computingCIDRE
DYLISS - Lossless graph compression to assist biological network understandingPhD StudentRennesDigital health, biology and earthDYLISS
SERPICO - Optical flow estimation for 3D fluorescence microscopy image sequence analysisPhD StudentRennesDigital health, biology and earthSERPICO
SUMO - Fault-management in software-defined networksPhD StudentRennesAlgorithmics, programmation, software and architectureSUMO
SUMO - Verification of Large Scale Stochastic Systems, Application to Diagnosis and OpacityPhD StudentRennesAlgorithmics, programmation, software and architectureSUMO
SUMO - Monitoring and Diagnosis of Large Scale SystemsPhD StudentRennesAlgorithmics, programmation, software and architectureSUMO
FLUMINANCE - Study of large-scale oceanic dynamics modeling under uncertainty for ensemble forecasting and satellite image data assimilationPhD StudentRennesDigital health, biology and earthFLUMINANCE
FLUMINANCE - Vers des modèles réduits géophysiques exploitant la parcimonie des systèmesPhD StudentRennesDigital health, biology and earthFLUMINANCE
DECENTRALISE - Byzantine fault-tolerant privacy-enhanced multicast for decentralised online social networksPhD StudentRennesAlgorithmics, programmation, software and architectureDECENTRALISE
CIDRE - Combining static analysis with hardware-assisted Dynamic Information Flow ControlPhD StudentRennesNetworks, systems and services, distributed computingCIDRE
ASCOLA - Lazy Causal Programming for Service Oriented ArchitecturesPhD StudentRennesNetworks, systems and services, distributed computingASCOLA
DIVERSE - Combining Decision Procedures for Constraint Programming and SMTPhD StudentRennesNetworks, systems and services, distributed computingDIVERSE
SIROCCO - Multi-view Video Coding Using Graph-Based RepresentationPhD StudentRennesPerception, cognition, interactionSIROCCO
I4S - Simultaneous characterization of radiative properties and temperature of structure envelopes by multispectral infrared thermographyPhD StudentRennesApplied Mathematics, computation and simulationI4S

For more Details visit this webpage:

Campaign 2015: PhD positions Campaign 2015: PhD positions Reviewed by Unknown on 00:59:00 Rating: 5

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