University of Otago Summer Scholarships 2015-2016


Zoology offers a number of prizes and scholarships for high-achieving students. There’s a list below so have a read through and see what’s available. Minimum standards may apply. The prizes start from 200 level, so from your second year of study you have can have high achievement recognized and rewarded. It’s all good.

University of Otago Summer Scholarships 2015-2016

The Summer Scholarships scheme provides an opportunity for students to gain experience by working on research projects over the summer for a maximum period of 10 weeks.
Scholarships start in November 2015 and finish in January or February 2016.
Summer scholarships come with a stipend of $500 per week, non-taxable.

Scholarship descriptions will be posted in this space when they are available. You are also encouraged to talk to any academic staff members whose research interests you, to see if they will have any summer scholarship projects available this year.

Five 8-week summer bursaries in the Mahu Whenua Biodiversity Mapping Project

The programme is open only to students who are returning to the University and will be enrolling in 2016 for degree or diploma courses offered within the Division of Sciences.

As the focus of the scholarship is on research, it is likely that students will
• be at more senior levels or be contemplating post-graduate study; and
• have shown aptitude for research activities.

The student must agree to complete an agreed work plan with defined research outputs in consultation with the supervisor.

The student must submit a research report of 1-2 A4 pages on completion of the project in order to receive his/her final payment.

Students must be currently enrolled at any New Zealand or Australian university.

Students must not be receiving alternative scholarship support for the same project or any other project over the same time-frame. Students may hold only one Summer Scholarship in total.

Students who currently hold an Otago PhD or Master’s Scholarship are not eligible for a Summer Scholarship. Students with one of these scholarships and who are on a deferral over the summer period are also not eligible for a Summer Scholarship.

Parker Prize - Annual

Awarded to: the best student at 200 level
Prize: $300 and certificate

G H Satchell Prize - Annual

Awarded to: a student demonstrating general excellence at 300 level
Prize: $250 and certificate

Ballance Agri-Nutrients Prize for Conservation Research - Annual

Awarded to: a student demonstrating excellence in the Wildlife Management Course
Prize: $200 and certificate

Marion Fyfe Prize - Annual

Awarded to: the female student who attained the highest level of achievement in Zoology at 400-level
Prize: $500 and certificate.

Elizabeth Mason Prize - Annual

Awarded to: a female Zoology student for the best paper published in a peer-reviewed journal which is published within 2 years of the award of the degree (either PhD or MSc)
Prize: $ Variable (depending on the performance of the invested funds) and certificate

Fairlea Prize - Annual

Awarded to: a male Zoology student for the best paper published in a peer-reviewed journal which is published within 2 years of the award of the degree (either PhD or MSc)
Prize: $ Variable (depending on the performance of the invested funds) and certificate


Further Details:

University of Otago Summer Scholarships 2015-2016 University of Otago Summer Scholarships 2015-2016 Reviewed by Unknown on 03:40:00 Rating: 5

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