University of Oxford, Department of Zoology Studentships
Available Studentships
Current Studentships
The University website has a Fees, Funding and Scholarships search tool designed to assist graduates looking for funding sources.
The Department of Zoology has recently established fully-funded ‘NaturalMotion’ graduate scholarships spanning all areas of the department’s research activity. The awards will be made in partnership with a number of colleges that may, exceptionally, enhance an award to bring it up to the overseas fee level. There is no separate application procedure for these scholarships. All applications to the DPhil in Zoology programme will automatically be considered.
Oxford Merton NaturalMotion Graduate Scholarship in Zoology x 2
This year, for the first time, we are able to offer two Oxford Merton NaturalMotion Graduate Scholarships in Zoology, which has been made possible by funding from Merton College, the University's Graduate Scholarship Matched Fund and through the success of one of the Department of Zoology's previous graduate students, Torsten Reil, who founded NaturalMotion Ltd. The scholarship covers the cost of a full home/EU award, including the University Fee, the College Fee and maintenance costs at the RC UK stipend rate for three years. The awards will be made in partnership with Merton College.
Applications are made online using the standard University application form available from 1st September 2015. All applications to the DPhil in Zoology will be automatically considered for this scholarship. The closing date is 22nd January 2016.
Oxford Lady Margaret Hall NaturalMotion Graduate Scholarship in Zoology
This will be the first year that we will offer the Oxford Lady Margaret Hall NaturalMotion Graduate Scholarship in Zoology, which has been made possible by funding from Lady Margaret Hall, the University's Graduate Scholarship Matched Fund and through the success of one of the Department of Zoology's previous graduate students, Torsten Reil, who founded NaturalMotion Ltd. The scholarship covers the cost of a full home/EU award, including the University Fee, the College Fee and maintenance costs at the RC UK stipend rate for three years. The award will be made in partnership with Lady Margaret Hall.
Applications are made online using the standard University application form available from 1st September 2015. All applications to the DPhil in Zoology will be automatically considered for this scholarship. The closing date is 22nd January 2016.
The Christopher Welch Scholarship in Biological Sciences
Applications are invited for a scholarship for postgraduate research in Biology, tenable at the University from the beginning of Michaelmas Term - October 2016.
Candidates are asked to send their application form for the Scholarship to the Zoology Graduate Office ( by Friday 22nd January 2016.
The potential supervisor is required to complete certain sections of the application form. Only the two selected candidates that we nominate will need the Head of Department section completed. The standard University application form must also be completed by the candidate, and submitted, with all supporting materials, by the same date (i.e. Friday 22nd January 2016).

University of Oxford, Department of Zoology Studentships
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