University of Westminister-Postgraduate Study Scholarships

Postgraduate Study Scholarships

We are delighted to announce that for the January 2016 entry, we are offering 20 scholarships worth £10,000 each for Masters level study. The scholarship funding will be paid towards tuition fees in the first instance with any remaining funds paid directly to the successful applicant as a one-off payment towards living and course related costs.

Please note that Master’s programmes run by the Westminster Business School are not eligible courses.

Basic criteria

  • You must be a UK/EU status graduate who began their degree course in 2012/13 for which you were charged the higher rate tuition fee.

  • You must have completed a previous degree and graduated from a UK university

  • For UK students, in the last year of your degree, you must have been in receipt of the maintenance grant or special support grant from Student Finance England/Wales/Northern Ireland or SAAS.

  • For EU students, you must have had a household income of less than £42,620 p.a. in your final year of UG study (you will be means tested by the Non-UK team at Student Finance England for this).

  • You must have an offer of a place on a full-time eligible Westminster Master’s programme (MA, MSc or LLM) starting in January 2016.

Additional criteria

  • Preference will be given to the following types of applicants.

  • Graduates who were in receipt of the Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA) in the final year of their degree. Please note evidence will be required to verify this.

  • Graduates who were registered with their University as coming from Local Authority Care (a Care Leaver). Please note evidence will be required to verify this.

  • Female graduates applying for an MSc programme in the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Download the application form

Number available:20
Deadline:08 January 2016

For more details:
University of Westminister-Postgraduate Study Scholarships University of Westminister-Postgraduate Study Scholarships Reviewed by Unknown on 09:25:00 Rating: 5

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